BWA Yachting Launches SAFETIQUETTE Training Program

COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on various industries and economies around the world, with the reality and etiquette of yacht agency operations being hit particularly hard. This has been a devastating time for the sector, but there is light at the end of the tunnel as all operations begin to resume. However, this doesn't mean concerns surrounding COVID-19 have vanished, which is why BWA Yachting has launched an Infection, Prevention & Control (IPC) awareness course called SAFETIQUETTE in order to help keep both staff and clients safe.

All employees will undergo training on how best to limit the spread of COVID-19 and any other infectious diseases, and lower their impact in the workplace. Activities will focus on the origins of COVID-19, preventative measures, operational considerations, and general health and safety procedures which can be implemented. Ultimately, the aim of the course is to support the wellbeing and mental health of employees in the work environment by providing them with the knowledge required to prevent and reduce transmission and maintain healthy business operations.

The SAFETIQUETTE program, which is split into three phases over 4 weeks of duration, will also cover the relevance of IPC measures and the impact these guidelines have on ensuring all staff feel confident and safe while at work. At the end of the course, BWA Yachting agents and managers will take an exam in order to gain their training certification.

The program's name combines two words which are highly relevant during this difficult time, 'safety' and 'etiquette'. Paschalis Patsiokas, CEO of BWA Yachting, said: “Safety and the measures we take to protect ourselves and others are right in line with the principles of etiquette: consideration, respect, and honesty. BWA Yachting looks after its staff, as they will look after themselves, their families, their colleagues and our clients."

Etiquette refers to the complex network of rules which govern good behavior as well as social and business interactions. It involves how employers treat their staff, and also refers to how people handle themselves and make others feel comfortable. BWA Yachting's SAFETIQUETTE Program has been developed by an expert coach to ensure attendees are fully prepared and ready to make a difference to colleagues, suppliers and clients.


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Article Author: Francesca Fenucci

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