CS/HB 5005 UPDATE 3/1

Rep. Dorothy Hukill has taken over the sponsorship of CS/HB-5005 after Rep. Bovo’s resignation. Rep. Franklin Sands asked questions of Rep. Hukill about Y&SB. He also said in Debate he was concerned about repeal of Y&SB due to the large amounts in escrow and the size of the transactions. Rep. Abruzzo filed an amendment removing the language repealing Y&SB, but withdrew it before it was heard based on leadership requests. CS/HB-5005 passed the House Appropriations Committee with a split vote (Yeas: 15 Nays: 8) with the language repealing Yacht & Ship Brokers still in the bill. Your voices are being heard in Tallahassee, some of the legislators are acknowledging our concerns, but we need to keep the pressure on as CS/HB-5005 continues through the process to insure our success to retain regulating & licensing of Yacht & Ship Brokers. We recommend each of our members review the one page position paper on the subject so you are well informed and then contact their own state legislators via email & phone (if you can’t reach your own State Representative and Senator via phone) be sure to express your concerns to their staff they do matter & ask they let their bosses know. Use the link below then click on the button to find your elected officials. http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/representatives.aspx Contact your state representatives & senators via phone & email to express how critical the licensing & regulation of our industry is, stay tuned...Yacht & Ship Brokers need to stay on legislator’s radar to not be deregulated!