How Will We Socially Distance While Boating This Summer?

Less raft-ups. No boating with people from out of your household. Stay local. 

Earlier this month, Sea Tow International surveyed 5,000 members with the goal of figuring out what actions boaters will be taking as social distancing restrictions ease throughout the U.S. and the summer boating season kicks into high gear.

Nearly all surveyed, 93 percent, agreed on what we already know: boating is a good social distancing activity. Over one third — 35 percent — plan on boating only with household members or who they’ve been quarantined with. And 30 percent will forgo raft-ups with other boaters at their favorite gunkhole.

“In a time when it’s important for our industry to band together, these statistics shed a little light on what we can expect and help us adapt to continue to support boaters,” said Sea Tow president Kristen Frohnhoefer in a statement.

Some other interesting findings: 31 percent will stay local this summer, skipping travel that they may have done to other marinas and cities. In contrast, 28 percent of those surveyed responded that they plan to or are considering vacationing via boat this summer.

Overall, it seems people plan to do more boating: 37 percent said they’re planning on greatly increasing or somewhat increasing boating frequency this season.

“Our survey shows that many boaters will modify their boating behavior in light of COVID-19 and a large percentage plan to boat more frequently,” said Frohnhoefer, “knowing this, [we] can adjust their strategy and services to ensure that families continue to safely enjoy their boating plans for the summer.”

The results of the survey can be found here.