• Posted 07-31-2014
  • IYBA 


As I start to write this article, I can’t stop thinking about the Malaysian Airlines plane that was just shot down over eastern Ukraine. It makes me think about all the strife in the world that is caused by its being made up of so many different beliefs, religions, tribes, cultures and more.


As most of us know, it is only by working together that those of us with differing viewpoints can help to resolve issues. For example, FYBA was formed by people who competed with one another daily in business, because they also shared common goals and beliefs.

What are the beliefs and goals of the FYBA? Do you remember why you joined the FYBA? Was it to get a better price on attending one or more of our events? Was it to network for professional advancement? Or was it because you actually share the common goals under which the association was formed?

The Florida Yacht Brokers Association was founded in 1987 to unite those professionals engaged in the practice of buying and selling yachts in the state of Florida. However, when the FYBA’s “founding fathers” were writing up the association’s By-Laws, it went much farther than just that. They stated the FYBA’s objectives clearly:


1. To unite those engaged in the yacht brokerage business for the purpose of promoting cooperation and professionalism among its members.

2. To promote and maintain a high standard of conduct in the transacting of the yacht brokerage business.

Two words resonate for me when I sit in the monthly Board meetings and the Directors are debating any number of topics: “professionalism” and “ethics”. No decision is taken without remembering why this association came together in the first place. 

The FYBA has expanded its objectives over the years. Paul Flannery summed it up nicely: “FYBA; An organization of yachting professionals promoting education, professionalism and ethical behavior while removing barriers to commerce and advocating for the industry.”

I hope that you all are having a good summer. We have the West Coast Yacht Sales Summit coming up August 14th in Sarasota and the Third Thursday Open House on August 21st.

See You on the Docks,


Article Author: Ann Vernon